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How to Grow Kale in the Portland Area

Learn how to grow Kale in your home garden in this blog post from Portland Edible Gardens. We'll cover varieties, timing, pests, and more and set you up for kale success!
Apr 1, 2024
Portland Edible Gardens
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How to Grow Sugar Snap Peas

Sugar snap peas are a wonderful plant to grow for the beginning and seasoned gardener alike. They are easy to grow, very well suited to growing in the pacific northwest, and delicious. Peas are also an absolute joy for kids! Below we lay out instructions on how to grow this garden favorite. All peas share the same plant care, so whether you want to grow snow peas, shelling peas or sugar snap peas, all of the following information applies.
Feb 9, 2024
Portland Edible Gardens
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How to Grow Early Spring Lettuce in Your Vegetable Garden

When we start our first lettuce plantings at the end of February and beginning of March, I often get the question “Isn’t it too early to be planting lettuce?” Lettuces are cold sensitive and in our climate, and late winter is marked with frosty nights. Fortunately, if you follow a few simple practices, you can successfully grow early season lettuce, and start eating fresh salads from your garden come early spring.
Apr 13, 2022
Portland Edible Gardens
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The Ten Best Vegetable Varieties for Direct Seeding in your Home Garden

Growing vegetables from seeds, or “direct seeding,” in your garden is one of the best things about growing food at home! It can be a challenge to find varieties that are easy to grow, well adapted for your garden, and delicious. So save yourself the trouble and get your hands on some tried and true varieties that we love!
Dec 15, 2021
Portland Edible Gardens
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Best Vegetables to Plant in your Spring Garden

The blistering heat of Summer feels far away now. It's hard to believe it was just a few months ago that we were harvesting tomatoes to our heart's content from our vegetable gardens! As is our custom, we wanted to take a moment to look back on the year and remember some of the highlights of the work we do helping people grow organic food.
Feb 23, 2018
Portland Edible Gardens
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5 Hardy Vegetables for your Winter Garden

Dec 13, 2016
Ian Wilson
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Grow Your Own Garlic!

Well that just about does it for this year's planting season. Hopefully you had the foresight to plant Fall and Winter vegetables in August and September. Our Fall vegetables are just coming into their prime as we settle in for the rainy season. Arugula, Kale, Lettuce, Broccoli, Cabbage, Radicchio, Carrots, Turnips-- These are just a few of the veggies you can harvest from your home garden in the months ahead.
Oct 11, 2016
Portland Edible Gardens
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Top Ten Winter Vegetables For Your Home Garden

While you watch your first tomatoes ripen on the vine, and seek out summer swimming holes, the thought of roasted winter roots, or a January kale salad are probably the last things on your mind. But if you want to be feasting from your garden in the dreary dark days of Winter, the time to think about what to plant is now!
Jul 22, 2016
Ian Wilson