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Row Cover

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How to Grow Kale in the Portland Area

Learn how to grow Kale in your home garden in this blog post from Portland Edible Gardens. We'll cover varieties, timing, pests, and more and set you up for kale success!
Apr 1, 2024
Portland Edible Gardens
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Using Row Cover And Mulch To Get More Out Of Your Winter Garden

Have you ever planted fall or winter veggies only to grow small plants that never reach maturity? Or have you lost your plants to frost before you even get to harvest them? By no fault of their own, many people plant vegetable starts from the nursery without knowing that the plant is being sold during a time of year when it will never become fully mature before cool temperatures slow the plant’s growth to a sloth-like pace.
Dec 7, 2023
Portland Edible Gardens
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Growing Cover Crops in Your Home Garden

Growing a living "Cover Crop" is one of the best ways to take care of and replenish your garden in the winter months. Cover Crops offer an overwhelming variety of benefits to your garden insulating, protecting, conditioning and revitalizing your precious soil!
Oct 15, 2014
Portland Edible Gardens