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How To Grow Basil in the Home Garden

Learn how to grow your own basil in your home vegetable garden here in the Portland area.
Jul 5, 2025
Portland Edible Gardens
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How to Grow Kale in the Portland Area

Learn how to grow Kale in your home garden in this blog post from Portland Edible Gardens. We'll cover varieties, timing, pests, and more and set you up for kale success!
Apr 1, 2024
Portland Edible Gardens
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How to Grow Sugar Snap Peas

Sugar snap peas are a wonderful plant to grow for the beginning and seasoned gardener alike. They are easy to grow, very well suited to growing in the pacific northwest, and delicious. Peas are also an absolute joy for kids! Below we lay out instructions on how to grow this garden favorite. All peas share the same plant care, so whether you want to grow snow peas, shelling peas or sugar snap peas, all of the following information applies.
Feb 9, 2024
Portland Edible Gardens
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Why Grow Food in Raised Beds?

Gardening is both an art and a science, and for many, a bit of a mystery. I can’t tell you how many people have told me “I just don’t have a green thumb.” But I can’t emphasize this enough – EVERYONE – has what it takes to grow food.
Jan 2, 2024
Portland Edible Gardens
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Using Row Cover And Mulch To Get More Out Of Your Winter Garden

Have you ever planted fall or winter veggies only to grow small plants that never reach maturity? Or have you lost your plants to frost before you even get to harvest them? By no fault of their own, many people plant vegetable starts from the nursery without knowing that the plant is being sold during a time of year when it will never become fully mature before cool temperatures slow the plant’s growth to a sloth-like pace.
Dec 7, 2023
Portland Edible Gardens
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Preparing Your Winter Garden: Straw Mulch vs Cover Crop

Autumn in the Pacific Northwest is the time of year to start preparing gardens for the cold wet winter months. During the late summer and early fall we plant our gardens with veggies that can be enjoyed all winter. After removing summer crops it is usually too late to plant more veggies, so what do you do with all that exposed soil? Ecological growers always say not to leave soil bare. But why is this, and what should you do in your garden?
Oct 11, 2022
Portland Edible Gardens
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Planting Parsley, Cilantro, and Dill for a Fall Harvest

There’s nothing like the freshness and sparkle that a handful of home grown herbs can add to a meal. And while most people resign themselves to a fall and winter of stews and roasts, abandoning hope of all things fresh until spring, they don’t realize that your winter table can, in fact, be garnished with a little hint of Summer! And a few beloved annual herbs planted late in the season can make all the difference.
Sep 14, 2022
Ian Wilson
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5 Tips for Late Season Tomato Care

We are in the home stretch for Summer vegetables like Tomatoes! If you’ve played your cards right, by now your tomatoes are an architectural feature in your garden. They have put on voluminous growth since a late Spring planting, they have flowered, been pollinated, and heavy fruits are beginning to ripen on the vine. You have supported them, pruned them, prayed over them, and it all looks like it just might pay off! So your work is done, right? …Well, not exactly. The quality of your harvest will very much depend on how you care for your tomatoes during this final important stretch of summer!
Aug 3, 2022
Ian Wilson