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Sourcing Your Own Organic Vegetable Seeds

The search for and acquisition of seeds is my very first act of gardening each year. For me, this process begins months before I amend my soil in the spring or plant the first pea seeds. It is a process that I take deep pleasure in for several reasons.
Dec 15, 2014
Ian Wilson
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Controlling Common Garden Pests: Cabbage Loopers and Cabbage Moths

Even with the very best prevention practices, some number of pests are just an inevitability. That being said, when we do find pest presence in our gardens, there are many measures that can be taken to exclude, harass, banish, and yes... eliminate these unwanted visitors. And it can all be done without harmful and dangerous chemicals using entirely organic methods and products!
Jul 25, 2014
Portland Edible Gardens
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Controlling Common Garden Pests... Organically! Part 1: Prevention

Jun 24, 2014
Ian Wilson