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How To Grow Basil in the Home Garden

Learn how to grow your own basil in your home vegetable garden here in the Portland area.
Jul 5, 2025
Portland Edible Gardens
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5 Tips for Late Season Tomato Care

We are in the home stretch for Summer vegetables like Tomatoes! If you’ve played your cards right, by now your tomatoes are an architectural feature in your garden. They have put on voluminous growth since a late Spring planting, they have flowered, been pollinated, and heavy fruits are beginning to ripen on the vine. You have supported them, pruned them, prayed over them, and it all looks like it just might pay off! So your work is done, right? …Well, not exactly. The quality of your harvest will very much depend on how you care for your tomatoes during this final important stretch of summer!
Aug 3, 2022
Ian Wilson
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Late July: What to plant NOW in your home garden

Summer is in full swing! Spring greens have wilted away in the heat, tomatoes are starting to ripen on the vines, zucchini's broad canopy is attempting a coup of the rest of the garden, and a fruitful season is upon us. It can be easy, in the midst of such abundant harvests, to forget about the opportunities for planting at this moment. And yet there are many opportunities for planting that shouldn’t be missed, now and in the weeks to come.
Jul 22, 2020
Ian Wilson
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Making A Seasonal Plan For Your Edible Garden

Happy New Year from Portland Edible Gardens! Spring may still feel like a remote island somewhere far away, but take heart and take heed! We are drifting steadily towards that shore! Before we know it, the buds will be breaking and the sun that warms our soil will be nurturing the gardens that we plant (or the weeds that we don't).
Jan 18, 2016
Portland Edible Gardens
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PEG Update: A Summer, A Fall... in Photos!!

Well the summer went whizzing on by, and somehow its already November!! So much has happened these last few months and now that the rain has arrived I find myself with a little more space to breathe deeply of this fine Fall air. I thought I would take this morning to put together a little photo journal of what Portland Edible Gardens has been up to these last few months!
Nov 5, 2015
Ian Wilson
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Padrón Peppers: So Good

Jul 9, 2015
Ian Wilson
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5 Favorite Tomatoes

It's just about to be June, which means it's high time you got those tomatoes in the ground! (if you haven't already). Tomatoes are among the MOST beloved vegetables (and, yes, fruits) for many gardeners. Everyone seems to have their dearly held opinions, secrets, methods, and madnesses about these mysterious and wonderful treasures.
May 29, 2015
Portland Edible Gardens
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Succession Planting: How to Plan for Plenty

The weather of late has had me very much out in the gardens! We have been tilling up our Spring beds, adding loads of compost, turning it in, and preparing the soil for seeds and starts and all that soon will follow. With all the soil warming and sunshine recently, in many of our clients gardens we have already done our first seedings of Arugula, Carrots, Spinach, Snap Peas, Fava Beans, and Lettuces!
Mar 12, 2015
Ian Wilson