Ian Wilson
About Author
November 5, 2015

PEG Update: A Summer, A Fall... in Photos!!

Well the summer went whizzing on by, and somehow its already November!!  So much has happened these last few months and now that the rain has arrived I find myself with a little more space to breathe deeply of this fine Fall air.  I thought I would take this morning to put together a little photo journal of what Portland Edible Gardens has been up to these last few months!

The pictures tell the stories far better than I could, so I will let them...

Thanks for staying connected and checking out what we have been up to.

And remember, the best time to plan for a bountiful garden in the year to come is NOW!  Don't let another winter slip by without a plan.  Contact us today to learn about how your yard can become a productive edible landscape!!

Have a wonderfully cozy and deliciously nourishing Fall and be sure to stay in touch!

- Ian Wilson

Owner and Founder, Portland Edible Gardens, LLC

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