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Raised Beds

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Why Grow Food in Raised Beds?

Gardening is both an art and a science, and for many, a bit of a mystery. I can’t tell you how many people have told me “I just don’t have a green thumb.” But I can’t emphasize this enough – EVERYONE – has what it takes to grow food.
Jan 2, 2024
Portland Edible Gardens
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PEG Fall Photo Journal 2021

What a year! Interest in growing edible gardens has continued to blossom in 2021 and we have had so much fun supporting this exciting growth. The vegetable gardens are finally winding down and we are taking a look back at all that has happened in 2021. Come along for the ride!
Oct 6, 2021
Portland Edible Gardens
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PEG Fall Photo Journal 2020

Well, It has been quite a year, to say the least. With all of the uncertainty that has come with Covid, and with so many people spending more time at home, interest in edible gardening is at an all time high. This has meant that we have been busier than ever buzzing around and helping people with growing their own food. It has been a lot of fun and there is a lot to report! We hope you enjoy this visual tour of what we have been up to these past few months.
Dec 3, 2020
Portland Edible Gardens
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2018 Fall Photo Journal

2018 has been an incredible growing season here in the Portland area! We have been hard at work, as always, supporting people in growing their own organic food at their homes. And now that the rain has finally arrived, we are taking some time to have a look back at all that we have done over the last 10 months!
Nov 7, 2018
Ian Wilson
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Portland Edible Gardens 2017 Fall Photo Journal

Hello Friends, The blistering heat of Summer feels far away now. It's hard to believe it was just a few months ago that we were harvesting tomatoes to our heart's content from our vegetable gardens! As is our custom, we wanted to take a moment to look back on the year and remember some of the highlights of the work we do helping people grow organic food. And of course if you feel inspired by these images and want help growing your own organic food at home, Contact Us and let us help you grow the edible garden that you have been dreaming about!
Dec 5, 2017
Portland Edible Gardens
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Compost: The Perfect Amendment

With the abundance of snow and ice recently here in the Portland area, it is hard to imagine just a month or two forward to the time for planting our Spring vegetable gardens! But that time will come sooner than we know it and our seeds will take to the dark earth and grow into these ever longer days.
Jan 19, 2017
Portland Edible Gardens
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Portland Edible Gardens Spring Photo Journal!

Jun 6, 2016
Ian Wilson
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PEG Update: Spring Gardens, Gardeners, and More!!!

Well the weeks have been slipping by without a peep from the Portland Edible Gardens Blog! And as you can imagine, we have been busy busy bees!! It has been a mild and dreamy Spring with many opportunities to embark on new garden builds and to get a lot of early spring plantings in the ground. Since so much has happened in the last six weeks, I thought I would do an unconventional blog post and just share some photos and anecdotes from our Spring activities!‍
Apr 26, 2015
Ian Wilson