Portland Edible Gardens
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April 13, 2022

How to Grow Early Spring Lettuce in Your Vegetable Garden

Three Tips For Success

Cover your lettuces with frost blanket:

Just like you and me, plants can benefit from a blanket in cold temperatures. You can source frost blanket from various sellers. Farm supply companies like Territorial Seed Company provide options for online ordering and local shops such as Concentrates or Portland Nursery carry a selection of different options in house.

Plant lettuce starts instead of seeds

Early in the season, seeds are slower to germinate and can struggle with the colder temperatures. By using plant starts you begin with mature plants that will be more resistant to frost damage than a seedling.

Select lettuce varieties that are cold hardy

Romaine lettuce is generally one of the hardier lettuce types in cold weather and ‘Winter Density’ Romaine is especially so. We also love it for it’s incredibly tender and delicious leaves. For some variety, Tango green lettuce and Buckley red lettuce are also examples of cold tolerant lettuce varieties.

Good luck and happy growing!

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