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Controlling Common Garden Pests: Cabbage Loopers and Cabbage Moths

Even with the very best prevention practices, some number of pests are just an inevitability. That being said, when we do find pest presence in our gardens, there are many measures that can be taken to exclude, harass, banish, and yes... eliminate these unwanted visitors. And it can all be done without harmful and dangerous chemicals using entirely organic methods and products!
Jul 25, 2014
Portland Edible Gardens
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Planting and Caring for Tomatoes in the Home Garden

In part 1, I discussed the many different types and categories of tomatoes and talked about how to pick the right varieties for your garden and your needs. This week I will talk about when and how to plant them, and how to care for them throughout the season to maximize their yield, taste, and health (and your own enjoyment!) First lets talk about seasonal timing.
Jun 12, 2014
Portland Edible Gardens
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Understanding and Choosing Tomatoes for the Home Garden

Well its already June here in Western Oregon. We have had a handful of days pushing 90 degrees, and all signs point towards the beautiful sunny season ahead. There are many treasures to be anticipated in our vegetable gardens in the summer months, but perhaps none hold such promise, and such delicious anticipation as home-grown tomatoes. In fact, I know plenty of gardeners for whom the prospect of tomatoes alone could keep them gardening each year.
Jun 3, 2014
Portland Edible Gardens
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The Pleasures of Growing From Seed... Part 2: Methods for Planting Seeds

Last week I took up the discussion of why we would want to grow vegetables from seeds instead of from nursery starts. And as it turns out, there are tons reasons why choosing seeds can be even better than starts. If you missed last week’s post, check out “Part 1: Why Grow Seeds?” to get in the mood.
May 5, 2014
Portland Edible Gardens
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The Pleasures Of Growing From Seed... Part 1: Why Grow Seeds?

I still remember the experiment in kindergarten: Planting a single bean in a paper cup filled with soil. We lined them up on the window sill, giving them their daily watering and waited with vague anticipation for... what? I waited, I grew impatient, I lost interest. But I was drawn back one day to some faint stirring in the soil. And then, those first two leaves, those pale and waxy cotyledons stretching out like fists, and then unfurling like tiny hands in happy defiance while roots stretched equally downward somewhere below. I loved my bean. I reveled in its bravery and its mystery. In some ways, I have come a long way since my paper cup, but my fascination with that little miracle has not. And I am grateful for that.
Apr 25, 2014
Ian Wilson
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A is for Arugula!

This post kicks off Portland Edible Gardens’ blog, which aims to provide practical and reliable information, hints, and tips for home vegetable gardeners here in the Portland metropolitan area. Climate and geography play a significant roll (one of many!) in how and when we grow what we grow in our gardens.
Apr 18, 2014
Portland Edible Gardens
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Where to Buy Seeds, Vegetable Starts, and Soil Amendments in Portland During Covid-19

Nurseries have not been spared from major disruption during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Lots of people have had difficulty accessing plants, seeds, and supplies. So we wanted to take a moment to compile some local resources for home gardeners looking for help!
Portland Edible Gardens