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Succession Planting: How to Plan for Plenty

The weather of late has had me very much out in the gardens! We have been tilling up our Spring beds, adding loads of compost, turning it in, and preparing the soil for seeds and starts and all that soon will follow. With all the soil warming and sunshine recently, in many of our clients gardens we have already done our first seedings of Arugula, Carrots, Spinach, Snap Peas, Fava Beans, and Lettuces!
Mar 12, 2015
Ian Wilson
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A Few Favorite Varieties for Direct Seeding

A couple weeks ago I taught a class at the Portland Nursery on Growing Vegetables From Seeds. I am always inspired when I get to teach a class and Saturday was no exception! We wrapped up the class with a big seed giveaway from my own collection and people got to head home with seeds in hand! Picking varieties for sowing in your home garden is a highly personal process. Anyone who has grown a garden for more than a couple of years has their personal favorites. I love hearing from other gardeners about what they are growing, what works well, and what they love. In the spirit of exchange, I wanted to share a few of my own favorite varieties for direct sowing at home!
Feb 16, 2015
Ian Wilson
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Selecting Seeds and Varieties for Direct Sowing at Home

Direct sowing is one of my absolute favorite garden activities. Not only do we get to participate in a totally miraculous and unbelievable process, growing vegetables from seeds also has many benefits that can lead to healthier, happier, and more productive plants.
Feb 2, 2015
Ian Wilson
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Growing Cover Crops in Your Home Garden

Growing a living "Cover Crop" is one of the best ways to take care of and replenish your garden in the winter months. Cover Crops offer an overwhelming variety of benefits to your garden insulating, protecting, conditioning and revitalizing your precious soil!
Oct 15, 2014
Portland Edible Gardens
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Controlling Common Garden Pests: Cabbage Loopers and Cabbage Moths

Even with the very best prevention practices, some number of pests are just an inevitability. That being said, when we do find pest presence in our gardens, there are many measures that can be taken to exclude, harass, banish, and yes... eliminate these unwanted visitors. And it can all be done without harmful and dangerous chemicals using entirely organic methods and products!
Jul 25, 2014
Portland Edible Gardens
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Kale and Carrots and Leeks, Oh My!: Growing Your Winter Garden... In July

On these delicious summer days, with the first tomatoes blushing on the vine, zucchinis growing right before our eyes, and sweet corn just around the corner, it is difficult to imagine the dark and dreary days of winter that will also be ours. And yet, if you want kale in December, and carrots in February, or cauliflower in April the time to plant is, well... Now.
Jul 24, 2014
Portland Edible Gardens
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Controlling Common Garden Pests... Organically! Part 1: Prevention

Jun 24, 2014
Ian Wilson
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Planting and Caring for Tomatoes in the Home Garden

In part 1, I discussed the many different types and categories of tomatoes and talked about how to pick the right varieties for your garden and your needs. This week I will talk about when and how to plant them, and how to care for them throughout the season to maximize their yield, taste, and health (and your own enjoyment!) First lets talk about seasonal timing.
Jun 12, 2014
Portland Edible Gardens