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Controlling Common Garden Pests... Organically! Part 1: Prevention

Jun 24, 2014
Ian Wilson
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Planting and Caring for Tomatoes in the Home Garden

In part 1, I discussed the many different types and categories of tomatoes and talked about how to pick the right varieties for your garden and your needs. This week I will talk about when and how to plant them, and how to care for them throughout the season to maximize their yield, taste, and health (and your own enjoyment!) First lets talk about seasonal timing.
Jun 12, 2014
Portland Edible Gardens
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Understanding and Choosing Tomatoes for the Home Garden

Well its already June here in Western Oregon. We have had a handful of days pushing 90 degrees, and all signs point towards the beautiful sunny season ahead. There are many treasures to be anticipated in our vegetable gardens in the summer months, but perhaps none hold such promise, and such delicious anticipation as home-grown tomatoes. In fact, I know plenty of gardeners for whom the prospect of tomatoes alone could keep them gardening each year.
Jun 3, 2014
Portland Edible Gardens