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Portland Edible Gardens 2017 Spring Photo Journal

Ahoy! It has been quite a little while since I posted here on the PEG Bog, and it is high time for an update on the activities of Portland Edible Gardens! Today's rain looks like it just might give way to a run of beautiful weather, so before we get back to it, I thought I would give an update about our recent activities!
May 16, 2017
Ian Wilson
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Compost: The Perfect Amendment

With the abundance of snow and ice recently here in the Portland area, it is hard to imagine just a month or two forward to the time for planting our Spring vegetable gardens! But that time will come sooner than we know it and our seeds will take to the dark earth and grow into these ever longer days.
Jan 19, 2017
Portland Edible Gardens
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5 Hardy Vegetables for your Winter Garden

Dec 13, 2016
Ian Wilson
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Grow Your Own Garlic!

Well that just about does it for this year's planting season. Hopefully you had the foresight to plant Fall and Winter vegetables in August and September. Our Fall vegetables are just coming into their prime as we settle in for the rainy season. Arugula, Kale, Lettuce, Broccoli, Cabbage, Radicchio, Carrots, Turnips-- These are just a few of the veggies you can harvest from your home garden in the months ahead.
Oct 11, 2016
Portland Edible Gardens
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Top Ten Winter Vegetables For Your Home Garden

While you watch your first tomatoes ripen on the vine, and seek out summer swimming holes, the thought of roasted winter roots, or a January kale salad are probably the last things on your mind. But if you want to be feasting from your garden in the dreary dark days of Winter, the time to think about what to plant is now!
Jul 22, 2016
Ian Wilson
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Building a Home Grown Garden

Jul 1, 2016
Portland Edible Gardens
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